Best Time to Make Plumbing Repairs
All too often we take our plumbing for granted, but our plumbing actually requires careful maintenance and repair to keep it so reliable that we practically never think about it. Unfortunately, millions of people are forced to come to terms with their privilege when the plumbing finally fails. What is the best time to make plumbing repairs?
For many families living in colder regions, fall and winter are the most likely seasons to bring about that realization. The truth is, if you want to make sure you get to enjoy a warm shower all winter, then you need your plumbing inspected and repaired in the summer.
Best Time to Make Plumbing Repairs
Even if you don’t live in a cold climate, it is always a good idea to have your plumbing checked at least once a year. In fact, it may be even more important to prepare for a possible winter-time crisis. We simply aren’t prepared to deal with it in a warmer climate, and that can make a emergency plumbing far more serious if you do get hit by an abnormally cold winter. Altogether, it’s just better to contact your local plumber in the summer.
Getting Started
In the early summer, you will want to schedule a routine inspection of your plumbing. Although the time investment varies depending on the size of the house and the number of discovered issues, your average plumbing inspection should take around two hours to complete. During that time, your plumber will go through a five-step process to ensure that the inspection is thorough and covers all of the most common vulnerabilities. The basic template looks like this:
- Inspect pipes, valves, water heater, and drains for leaks and signs of damage or decay
- Capture and annotate photographic evidence. This is typically part of an inspection if you’re applying for a construction permit. If the homeowner is present, they may just keep a written record, then show the homeowner the problem areas.
- Decide the best way to correct the problem(s)
- Relate their prescribed solutions to the homeowner. They may need to return to the office before assigning a specific quote for materials and labor.
- Sign off on their inspection report. It is always a good idea to request a copy for your records in case you decide to sell your home at a later date.
This template may vary a bit if you have older plumbing or a specific issue that needs to be addressed first. You can always ask your plumber what they include in their inspection checklist. This can give you a better idea of what will be reviewed while they are in your home.
Addressing Outstanding Issues
If your Los Angeles plumber at New Generation Plumbing finds evidence of a leak or other existing damage, then it is always best to have the problem resolved as soon as possible. A burst pipe could limit your access to fresh water and cause extensive water damage to your home. Depending on your situation that may mean addressing the most pressing issues first and going through with minor repairs towards the end of the summer. Either way, you want to make sure you’re prepared and your plumbing is in good order before fall begins. That is the easiest way to prevent a plumbing disaster for the year.
When Disaster Strikes
Of course, you can’t prevent every plumbing emergency. Even perfectly maintained pipes can burst if they’re exposed to extreme temperatures. It just happens sometimes. Fortunately, that is why your local plumber offers emergency plumbing services. Day or night your emergency plumber will do everything they can to get to you quickly. So you can go back to enjoying all the benefits of fully functional plumbing.